Pilates Studio- Piladay Studios is a boutique Pilates studio in Singapore


Workshop About Ankle Joint Stability

SmartVITA successfully hosted a workshop about ankle joint stability. Ankle stability is crucial for the alignment of the lower body, directly affecting knee and hip alignment. A healthy ankle joint prevents injury of twisting our ankles while walking on uneven surface or climbing steps of varying heights.

Lynn shared the functional anatomy of the ankle and demonstrated a few exercises specifically for the ankle joint. Participants took turns to experience the strengthening of their ankle joint on the Pilates equipment. The unique feature of the reformer and chair allowed the strengthening process of the ankle joint by loading it with heavy springs. Lastly, they were also given a few simple exercises to continue working on their ankle joint at home.

The workshop ended with a wonderful spread of finger food and champagne. We look forward to you coming to our next workshop soon!

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